
Five intense days in Kenya and Uganda finalising two new projects

Access2innovation’s CEO, Karin Elisabeth Lind, and program manager, Inge Myrthue, just got back from five intense days in Kenya and Uganda. They travelled to meet with project partners and other stakeholders of importance to access2innovation and to the success of two new projects expected to start in January 2024. The projects will be financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Danida Green Business Partnerships. In Kenya, Inge and Karin facilitated a workshop to finalize the...

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Job posting: Project coordinator in Kampala, Uganda

Are you an experienced and driven project coordinator – with a business mindset focusing on the end market and a passion to advance e-mobility solutions in Kampala? As the project coordinator, you will play a critical role in facilitating the execution of a time-sensitive emobility project ‘Green Hub Kampala’ to be implemented by access2innovation together with companies Kjaer Group (MOTORCARE Uganda) and Nexus Green Ltd. Access2innovation is a Danish organization with offices in Denmark and...

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2000 sustainable houses for Sierra Leone

Meet a new A2i-member: Vibeke Munk Petersen, Team Leader in the Sierra Leone – Denmark Houses and Community Partnership Program. “Our goal is together with our partnership organizations in Sierra Leone to provide 2,000 new homes, The homes must be affordable, safe, and sustainable. Also, our project must include a job creation module, where focus is on using local successful entrepreneurs to create local jobs - to ensure long-term economic stability, so people will be able to pay a rent, send...

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Gratis kursus: Samarbejde mellem organisationer og virksomheder

Vil du vide mere om, hvordan organisationer og virksomheder bedst kan samarbejde? Om hvad samarbejdet kræver,og hvad, er vigtigt at tage stilling til inden sådanne partnerskaber etableres? Så kom med på vores gratis kursus i samarbejde med CISU. Her får du inspiration til hvorfor og hvordan din organisation bedst kan samarbejde med private virksomheder. Dette vil blive eksemplificeret med erfaringer fra konkrete partnerskaber mellem NGOer og virksomheder. Vi gennemgår forskellige strategier,...

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A2i Grain-project in national Ugandan News TV

Meet Henrik Anker-Ladefoged and more of the good people behind out Grain-project in Uganda in this edition of the Uganda UBC News Tonight: Watch it here (starting 48 minutes into the program). The project is supported by Danida Green Business Partnerships / Danida Market Development Partnerships, and also includes BM Silo, ENGSKO A/S, Gl. Buurholt, Opportunity International, AG - PLOUTOS COMPANY LIMITED and Landbrug & Fødevarer.

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Celebrating the launch of our DMDP-project in Uganda

On Wednesday October 4, a grand launch was held in Kololo, Kampala, by Access2innovation, BM Silo, Engsko, Gl. Buurholt, Opportunity International and AG Plautos Here, we celebrated  our DMDP project  ‘Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda’, which is financed by Danida Market Development Partnerships. Representatives from most of the partners in the project were be present, including the Danish ambassador to Uganda,  Signe W. Albjerg. The launch included a field...

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Successful Delegation Trip about health and food

  Our delegation trip to Kenya and Tanzania in September 2023 is now well completed. Among others, the companies Engsko, Neisig Organics, Gl. Buurholt, Soacha, KIOO Water, and Stein Consulting visited relevant companies, public authorities, and industry organizations. They all bring back hands-on information about local business possibilities. The group also visited the Danish Embassy in Tanzania and had a great afternoon together with the Danish Ambassador to Tanzania, Mette...

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Launch of DMDP-project in Kampala

On Wednesday, October 4th, more than 70 people will gather in Protea Hotel in Kampala for the official, local launch of Access2innovation's project 'Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda', which is financed by Danida Market Development Partnerships. Representatives from most of the partners in the project will be present: AG Ploutos, Opportunity International, BM Silo, Gl. Buurholt, Engsko, and of course Access2innovation. The launch will also include a field trip...

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A2i at Grain Summit

We are looking forward to the 10th African Grain Trade Summit (AGTS), October 4-7 in Kampala. Here, the chairperson of the board of Access2innovation, CEO Henrik Wollesen, Engsko A/S, will be one of the speakers. The Summit is an internationally-recognized, high-level, policy conference that attracts high level policymakers, influential industry practitioners and leading researchers in the grain sector from across Africa and beyond for discussions about key grain industry issues and developing...

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Welcome to our new members

We are happy to continue expanding our network by welcoming six new members:   BioInnovation Institute Fonden Food and Bio Cluster Denmark Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande Kjaer Group MJ Agromapping Private Business Developer Vest Afrika

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Er du vores nye IT-, web- og multimediestudentermedhjælper?

Bidrag til udviklingen af markedsbaserede løsninger til udviklingslandeVil du være med til at hjælpe virksomheder, NGOer, universiteter og erhvervsorganisationer til at udvikle innovative, kommercielle løsninger i partnerskaber, som gør en forskel for befolkninger i udviklingslande? Vi har brug for en person, som kan arbejde med brugerflader på vores hjemmeside, for at sikre en bedre vidensdeling mellem vores medlemmer. Vi skal have opdateret vores hjemmeside og udviklet et online ’heatmap’ –...

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Velkommen til vores ny program manager, Inge Myrthue

Første september tiltrådte Inge Myrthue som program manager for Foreningen Access2innovation, den danske platform for innovative, bæredygtige, kommercielle løsninger til de afrikanske vækstmarkeder. Inge Myrthue er uddannet cand. negot med speciale i international økonomi, sprog og kultur. Derudover har hun en MBA fra Aalborg Business School indenfor Top Governance. Inge har mange års erfaring med at opbygge og facilitere partnerskaber og konsortier i Afrika, senest som selvstændig rådgiver i...

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Welcome to our new members of A2i

A warm welcome to our two new network members: Caribu SustaiNet  Become a network member of Access2innovation for only DKK 500 a year - also "just" as a person (No CVR-number needed). As a networking member, you get: * Monthly newsletters* A2i Talks on business development in East Africa on the first Friday of every month* Seminars and events If you also want sparring and operational support, you can become a strategic member. Contact us at 45 29 68 08 83 to hear more. Læs mere her (in...

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Are you a student and interested in Africa?

To improve our insights into the African markets, A2I invites one or two students at master level to conduct a study in collaboration with us, of the business models and strategies that Danish firms have and are using to enter and penetrate African markets.  Read more about the project and how you apply under here. Project: Business Models for African Markets – experiences from Danish firms Few firms have African markets as their main markets, and little is known on how to successfully enter...

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Exciting new partnership with Afrika Consultancy

We're thrilled to unveil a new collaboration that's set to bring even more opportunities and insights to the business world between Denmark, Southern and Eastern Africa🎉. Afrika Consultancy and Access2innovation have joined forces to create a dynamic synergy that promises to elevate the possibilities for Danish companies with an interest in Southern and Eastern African markets. This partnership is all about leveraging strengths and expertise to create sustainable pathways for growth and...

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New members pouring into A2i

A warm welcome to all our new network members: • Afrika Consultancy• Baobab Consult• Bedre Syn til Afrika• Care Danmark• CISU• Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans• Lake Victoria Vanilla• Nounours Holding• Seniorer uden Grænser• Stein Consulting• The Sierra Leone - Denmark Houses and Community Partnership ProgramARKITEKTURVÆRKSTEDET ApS• Unicef Danmark  "As a network member, you become part of the Access2innovation community and support the organization at the same time. We are happy to welcome...

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Meet a member: Danish tech changes waste into quality bio-fertilizer

Meet an A2i member: BACESS/Rootzone Group “It is such a pity! Imagine how much good bio-fertilizer you can make from the leftovers from an ordinary African market. Piles of leaves, cuts from the vegetables and fruits and all other kinds of organic waste. It is just thrown out or burned. All the produce that is not sold soon degrades in the heat. All this waste we can transform into great bio-fertilizer. Which is just what the African farmer needs. There is a huge lack of good bio-fertilizer in...

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New seed dryer soon ready in Uganda

The mechanical and electrical installation of a seed dryer from BM Silo is going well in our DMDP grain project in Uganda. The seed dryer is installed in Kakiri Town in the Buganda Region, North-East of Kampala. It is bought by Wekembe Cooperative Society, which is member-based. "2700 farmers are looking forward to having access to better drying of their harvest," explains Yango Azando, project coordinator for Access2innovation Uganda. The seed dryer is expected ready to be up and running in...

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A2i Talk: How to apply for the P4G grants

It is now time to apply for grants from Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 – or in short P4G. P4G is supporting sustainable partnerships in developing countries such as South Africa, Kenya and Ethiopia with aiming at preparing early-stage climate entrepreneurs to become investment ready. P4G was established in 2018 with Denmark as the leading founder and has since supported 75 partnerships. The focus areas are energy, water and food and the program supports partnerships with...

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Successful Kick-off in Kenya

In June two workshops were held in Kilifi and Kwale Counties in Kenya for the official launching of our new project Inclusive CO2 Sequestration in the Kenyan Nut Industry, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Danida Green Business Partnerships (DGBP). The event was organized with great success by our Kenyan commercial partner, Grow Fairly Ltd, who manages the whole value chain from cashew seedling cultivation through quality of production, crop harvesting,...

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Congratulations with two DIBE-grants

Two DIBE grants to members Huge congratulations to our two members, Farm Mountain and Soacha/KIOO Water Re-fill Kiosks! Both have just have had grants for financial support accepted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Danida Innovation & Business Explorer scheme (DIBE). Access2innovation has counseled the two members in the process. Per Egede Nielsen from Socha/ KIOO Water Re-fill Kiosks explains:"We are very happy about the financial support from DIBE! Not just because of the...

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Delegationsrejse til Kenya og Tanzania

Kom med på delegationstur 25.-29. september 2023! Med udgangspunkt i ’One Health’ ses på markedsmuligheder og integrerede løsninger indenfor bæredygtigt landbrug og fødevareproduktion, vand og sanitet, vedvarende energi og grøn omstilling. Overordnet (foreløbigt) program Det endelige program lægges under hensyntagen til de tilmeldte virksomheders ønsker. Mandag den 25. september (formiddag) Møde med Trade Council og Dansk Industri på den danske ambassade i Nairobi. Mandag den 25. september...

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Are you our new business-oriented program manager?

Access2innovation is looking for a business-oriented program manager in the field of green transition Do you want to facilitate projects and partnerships between companies, NGOs, universities, investors, and business organizations to develop innovative, commercial solutions for emerging markets in Africa?We are looking for a dynamic person who is business-oriented, has experience from Africa, and is strong in project development and management. Who are we?Access2innovation was established in...

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Er du vores næste IT-, web- og multimediepraktikant?

Bidrag til udviklingen af markedsbaserede løsninger til udviklingslande Vil du være med til at hjælpe virksomheder, NGOer, universiteter og erhvervsorganisationer til at udvikle innovative, kommercielle løsninger i partnerskaber, som gør en forskel for befolkninger i udviklingslande? Vi har brug for en person, som kan arbejde med brugerflader på vores hjemmeside for at sikre en bedre vidensdeling mellem vores medlemmer. Vi skal have opdateret vores hjemmeside og udviklet et online ’heatmap’ –...

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Et aktivt år for Access2innovation

2022 har været et meget aktivt år for Access2innovation, fortalte forperson Lisbeth Zacho i sin forpersons-beretning på foreningens generalforsamling 2023. Hun fortsatte: ”Vi afsluttede vores næsten syv år lange periode med PIVØ-projekter med en meget flot evaluering fra Cowi. PIVØ-midlerne kom som bekendt fra EU's regionalfond og forkortelsen står for Partnerskabsdreven Innovation til Vækstmarkederne i Østafrika. De 27,1 millioner kroner fra PIVØ er blevet matchet med 30 millioner kroner i...

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To nye ansigter i A2i’s bestyrelse

Velkommen til Lars Møller fra Caritas og Ole Haubro fra Aller Aqua, som begge indtræder i Access2innovations bestyrelse. Tidligere forperson Lisbeth Zacho justerer sit mandat og fortsætter som suppleant i stedet for som tidligere repræsentant for NGO. Denne plads tilfalder nu Lars Møller.

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Thank you all for at great A2i Partnership Day!

Access2innovation wants to thank the more than 35 members and business partners, who joined our Partnership Day April 27, 2023.  The desire for meeting other members and joining the discussions was great and all we could wish for. After an energetic welcome to – and from – our new CEO, Karin Elisabeth Lind, the floor was open for four interesting views on the business opportunities for Danish companies in Africa.  The visions of the policymakersHead of Department – Green Diplomacy and...

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Two million Danish Kroner for converting nut shells into energy, fertilizer, and jobs

Access2innovation is happy to inform that we have received a grant of DKK two million from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Danida Green Business Partnership together with our partners. The money is for nuts! Or more accurately for an exciting Inclusive CO2 Sequestration in the Kenyan Nut Industry project for the next 18 months. The objectives of the project are many: To validate the reduction of CO2 emissions by a new use of agri-waste, while creating jobs, increasing income,...

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Program for Access2innovation Partnership Day (27.04.23)

Access2innovation Partnership Day: Danish Business Opportunities on the African Markets – What are the Opportunities Now and in the Future? With this partnership day, we zoom in on what it takes to create better opportunities for Danish companies on the African continent. What are the visions of the policy makers? What do companies want? What are the experiences? And what does it take for Danish companies to succeed in the African markets? Register here. Time: 27. April at 09:30-12:00am Venue:...

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New office in Copenhagen

Access2innovation has opened an office in Copenhagen! Find us at Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen. We look forward to seeing you here, in our office in Aalborg or in our office in Kampala, Uganda in Shiriki House.

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A2i networking in Africa

Karin Elisabeth Lind, our new CEO, was in February visiting Africa, networking and exploring new partnerships with East African and European private companies and government authorities. Here she is at the EU-Kenya Business Forum (Feb 21-22) and the Tanzania-EU Business Forum (Feb 23-24).

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Husk generalforsamling i april

Sæt x i kalenderen: Den 27. april holder Access2innovation Partnership Day og  generalforsamling. Arrangementet foregår i København.  Klik her og se program og tilmelding.Access2innovation Generalforsamling Tid:                  27. april kl. 13:00-15:30 Sted:                Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 København Ø Deltagere:       Medlemmer der har betalt kontingent for 2023 Program: Velkommen og godkendelse af dagsorden Valg af stemmetællere Valg af dirigent Formandens beretning...

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Produktion af stivelse i Østafrika kan skabe stor gevinst

Stedet er fundet. Teknologien er udviklet og tilpasset. Appen er lige på trapperne. Nu mangler der bare den helt rigtige investor, der også har øje for den strålende fremtid for ny stivelsesfabrik i Tanzania. Efter et vellykket og afsluttet PIVØ-projekt og flere rejser til Østafrika sammen med Access2innovation, er Søren Peter Eriksen, Neisig Økologi og SteCaO klar til produktion af stivelse i Tanzania. Den kommende stivelsesfabrik nær Lindi i det sydlige Tanzania skal omdanne den lokale...

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Meeting representatives for more than 800 potential costumers for Danish mill technology

Great concentration at the Access2innovation office in Kampala. Here Henrik Anker-Ladefoged, program manager A2i,  Yango Azando, project coordinator, A2i and our representative in Uganda, John Magnay meet representatives from WECRUMA. This organization represents more than 800 private mill owners. Access2innovatin collaborates with WECRUMA about cooperatives that would like to buy equipment from Denmark in connection with our DMDP project. WECRUMA is a trade umbrella representing, promoting...

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Member offer: Compliance services, work permit, or HR assistance in East Africa

As a special offer to our members, Access2innovation offers a member discount on several consultancy and compliance & business support services that help international organizations starting up operations and projects in East Africa. This is a part of our cooperation with Shiriki House, who houses our new office in Kampala. Shiriki House offers attractive and fully furnished, private offices with free access to common services and spaces such as front office, meeting facilities, café,...

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Partnership-based business development – the imperfect journey to develop blended finance solutions 

DanChurchAid's head of private sector engagement, Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, will talk about the learnings that DCA has made over the last many years when investing on the operationallzation of partnership-driven business development in poor and fragile countries. She will share some critical reflections about the journey, that DCA has been on for the last five years, when seeking to combine a civil society and business mind-set to develop innovative partnership models that are socially,...

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EU – Kenya + Tanzania Business Forums & Circular Economy Solutions Expo

The EU is stressing the potential of Kenya and Tanzania as two key emerging markets in Africa by organizing the first ever EU Business Forums in the two countries.  Together with fellow EU countries, Denmark is supporting this initiative to increase trade and investment. In connection with the forums, Denmark, the Netherlands, and local Kenyan partners are organizing a 1-day Circular Economy Expo showcasing international and local solutions. EU-Kenya Business Forum aims to foster European...

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Levende partnerskabsdag lover godt for fremtiden

Hvor lang tid tog det dig at få lov til at åbne virksomhed i Ghana?” ”Hvor finder vi finansiering til at blive ved med at udvikle produkter til Østafrika?” ”Oplever I også, at der ikke må være mere end 3 års tilbagebetalingstid i Afrika?” ”Har I hørt om det svenske projekt, der gjorde det på en anden måde?” ”Hvordan sikrer vi fremdrift lokalt?” Spørgsmål og svar fløj over de julepyntede borde, da mere end 30 medlemmer og partnere mødtes til partnerdag 19. december 2022 hos Access2innovation i...

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A2i presents our CEO: Karin Elisabeth Lind

😊Access2innovation gets a new internationally experienced CEO😊 Karin Elisabeth Lind will take over as CEO of Foreningen Access2innovation on 1 February 2023.The new CEO has more than 20 years of experience in building and facilitating partnerships and consortia, most recently from Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DanChurchAid). Here and elsewhere, she has completed large projects together with such diverse partners as NGOs, companies, public institutions, and networks. In Access2innovation, together...

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Access2innovation får ny internationalt erfaren CEO

Karin Elisabeth Lind tiltræder som direktør for Foreningen Access2innovation 1. februar 2023. Den nye direktør har mere end 20 års erfaring med at opbygge og facilitere partnerskaber og konsortier, senest fra Folkekirkens Nødhjælp. Her og andre steder har hun gennemført store projekter sammen med så forskellige partnere som NGOer, virksomheder, offentlige institutioner og netværk. I Access2innovation skal hun sammen med medlemmer og sekretariat fremme innovative løsninger og markedsudvikling...

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Welcome to our new CFO – and thanks to the former

A warm welcome to our new CFO, Michael Sederberg Rottbøll! Michael comes from the international consultancy Quercus Group dealing with Regional Economy Development, as CFO and responsible for the department of Food and Agrobusiness mainly in East- and West Africa since 2012. Michael Sederberg Rottbøll is educated as Agrarian Economist from Naesgaard Farm school. In addition, Michael is also a Program Manager with extensive experience from agro business and biofuel  He is-  among others - ...

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Nyt medlem: Komma Kaffe

Access2innovation byder velkommen til vores nye medlem Komma Kaffe, som tilbyder bæredygtige kaffeløsninger til private og virksomheder. ”Når du vælger Komma Kaffe, er det et tilvalg på kaffeløsninger, der indebærer et friskristet højkvalitetsprodukt, der kan nydes med god samvittighed til en pris, der er bæredygtig for farmerne, os og vores kunder” forklarer Rasmus Jørner, adm. direktør og partner. Han fortsætter: ”Vi er et økologisk certificeret risteri, der udelukkende importerer...

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Congratulations, 4Life Solutions

CONGRATULATIONS to our PIVØ project 4Life Solutions, who just won the Danish ”EY Entrepreneur of the Year” in the category "Social Entrepreneurship – Future Impact”. This prize was last year won by another PIVØ-project, Lyras. We are so happy to see more and more of our PIVØ projects getting funding, awards and recognition.

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Event: Stop fødevarespild i Afrika og tjen penge imens

Er du en dansk virksomhed, forsker eller NGO - og vil du have indsigt i, hvor dansk viden, teknologi og partnerskaber kan være med til at reducere fødevaretab? Så inviterer Access2innovation, ONE/THIRD og Food & BioCluster til lancering af en ny analyse og workshops. Her sætter vi fokus på, hvordan vi i samarbejde kan udvikle kommercielle bæredygtige løsninger, der mindsker fødevaretab i Østafrika. Det sker d. 19. december kl. 12.00 - 15.00 i Aalborg hos Access2innovation. Vi har teknologi...

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Crucial to have a business partner in Uganda

"It has been absolutely crucial to have a business partner who knows the African market in every nook and cranny. In this case, it is Access2innovation, which is a Danish platform for innovative, sustainable, commercial solutions for growth markets in developing countries." The words come from Claus Martinsen from BM Silo, who is interviewed in Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer about our Grain project. Read it here.   The project is financed by DMDP, Danida Market Development Partnerships....

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PIVØ projects in the finals of SDG Tech Award 2022

BIG Congratulations to our two PIVØ projects: Mash Makers, finalist in the SDG Tech Awards in the category BEST SME and Kioo Water Re-fill Kiosks, which has been chosen for the SDG Tech Awards 2022 finals in the category Blue Water. We cross our fingers for the SDG Tech Finals! Only five companies out of more than 300 nominated are chosen for each category in the finals, which take place in Copenhagen December 7, 2022. MASH MAKES turns fuel production upside down Mash MAKES is an Indo-Danish...

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A2i Talk: Combining aid and trade in Ugandan agriculture

 A2i Talk November 2022: Combining aid and trade in Ugandan agriculture – exploring synergies between Danish development cooperation and Danish businesses Uganda’s agricultural sector is developing. A growing middle class, fertile land, and export markets in the region makes Ugandan agriculture relevant for Danish businesses. Whether it’s processing equipment, water treatment or the import of quality coffee, there are opportunities and links. But Uganda is also a developing country where...

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SoilSense: I PIVØ-mål trods corona

”Vi havde netop etableret os i Nairobi, da corona startede. Det er vores erfaring, at man skal være i det land, hvor man vil etablere sig. Så pandemien var et stort benspænd for vores aktiviteter i Afrika. Det var så smadder-ærgerligt. Vi måtte drøne hjem til Danmark med det, som viste sig at være det næstsidste fly ud af landet. Så lukkede det hele ned.” Det fortæller Jesper Alkestrup, CEO i Soilsense. Hans PIVØ-projekt fik helt uventede udfordringer, da covid eksploderede i 2020. PIVØ står...

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