On Wednesday October 4, a grand launch was held in Kololo, Kampala, by Access2innovation, BM Silo, Engsko, Gl. Buurholt, Opportunity International and AG Plautos Here, we celebrated our DMDP project ‘Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda’, which is financed by Danida Market Development Partnerships.
Representatives from most of the partners in the project were be present, including the Danish ambassador to Uganda, Signe W. Albjerg. The launch included a field trip to Wekembe Cooperative Society, where participants could experience how Danish tech can help farmers reduce postharvest loss.
Ugandan media were also present: Read an article from PML Daily here and from the Nile Post here.
See clip from the national Ugandan TV-channel here.
The project also includes the Danish Agriculture & Food Council as a partner.