Good News from our project in Kenya

Customer satisfaction from our project ‘Clean Energy Drinking Water Solutions in Kenya’. Our project in Kenya, ‘Clean Energy Drinking Water Solutions’ is well underway, tells Thomas Augustinus, program manager A2i. He visited the project in September while it is...

Meeting Danish Export Association

Access2innovation and our member Food & Bio Cluster met in mid-September with the Danish Export Association, a non-profit, member-owned, and member-driven organization. Since 1965, the association has helped ambitious Danish B2B export companies achieve...

Welcome back after summer

Dear Members, Contacts, and Partners of Access2Innovation, I hope you have enjoyed your summer holiday and are ready for a new season on the Danish platform for innovative, sustainable, and commercial solutions to African markets. We certainly are, both here at the...

Access2innovation hilser ny Afrikaplan velkommen

Vi ved, at de danske erhvervsmæssige styrkepositioner er relevante for Afrika. Men det kræver markedsforståelse, indgående kendskab til værdikæder samt støtte til virksomhedernes operationelle aktiviteter, hvis disse styrkepositioner skal udnyttes. Det er særligt...