A warm welcome to all our new network members:
• Afrika Consultancy
• Baobab Consult
• Bedre Syn til Afrika
• Care Danmark
• Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans
• Lake Victoria Vanilla
• Nounours Holding
• Seniorer uden Grænser
• Stein Consulting
• The Sierra Leone – Denmark Houses and Community Partnership Program
• Unicef Danmark

“As a network member, you become part of the Access2innovation community and support the organization at the same time. We are happy to welcome all our new members and look forward to network, inspire and support you to develop your activities and business in East Africa,” says Karin Elisabeth Lind, CEO in Access2innovation.
Remember: Now you can become become a network member of Access2innovation for only DKK 500 a year – also “just” as a person (No CVR-number needed).
As a networking member, you get:
* Monthly newsletters
* A2i Talks on business development in East Africa on the first Friday of every month
* Seminars and events
If you also want sparring and operational support, you can become a strategic member. Contact us at 45 29 68 08 83 to hear more.