On Wednesday, October 4th, more than 70 people will gather in Protea Hotel in Kampala for the official, local launch of Access2innovation’s project ‘Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda’, which is financed by Danida Market Development Partnerships. Representatives from most of the partners in the project will be present: AG Ploutos, Opportunity International, BM Silo, Gl. Buurholt, Engsko, and of course Access2innovation. The launch will also include a field trip to Wekembe Cooperative Society, where participants will experience how Danish tech can help farmers reduce postharvest loss.
“2700 farmers are looking forward to having access to better drying of their harvest,” explains Yango Azando, project coordinator for Access2innovation Uganda.
The overall purpose of the DMDP project is to improve livelihoods in rural areas in Uganda by creating employment opportunities, especially for women and youth, and to help mitigating the problems of postharvest loss.
The project is carried out with help from Danida Market Development Partnership. The project also includes the Danish Agriculture & Food Council as a partner and is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Danida Market Development Partnerships.
Read more about the project here (in Danish)
Read more about the project here (in English)