
First Danish drying plant commissioned in Uganda

Latest news from our DMDP project in Uganda The first Danish drying plant from BM Silo was commissioned on October 1, 2022. This is an important step in our DMDP project, which will improve the local harvest in Uganda with Danish innovative technology. The handover has been somewhat delayed, not least because of a problem with an unstable power supply in the area. But now the plant is running satisfactorily. In the photo, which was taken on the occasion of the handover, you can see from left...

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Welcome to our new member, Grundfos

This month Access2innovation welcomes our newest member Grundfos. Grundfos is one of the world’s leading water technology companies. Through their water solutions and services, Grundfos touches the lives of millions of people every day. Innovation is the very backbone of the company, helping them deliver value and impact ever since its foundation - more than 75 years ago. Collaborating with strategic partners to innovate is key to finding solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges...

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Our Uganda-project is progressing: First silo is up and 15 cooperatives trained

Several activities have taken place during the last few weeks. Apart from the installation of the drying unit from BM Silo, the combined seed cleaning-and milling unit from Gl. Buurholt Ltd. and Engsko Ltd. has been installed and commissioned with success at Pearl Seed near Gayaza, and the technologies have already attracted quite some attention. In February A2I arranged a seminar in Kampala for staff from World Food Programme in order to introduce the Grain Hub Project.  After a site...

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Our Uganda-project is progressing: silos are up and 15 cooperatives trained

Several activities have taken place during the last few weeks. Apart from the installation of the drying unit from BM Silo, the combined seed cleaning-and milling unit from Gl. Buurholt Ltd. and Engsko Ltd. has been installed and commissioned with success at Pearl Seed near Gayaza, and the technologies have already attracted quite some attention. In February A2I arranged a seminar in Kampala for staff from World Food Programme in order to introduce the Grain Hub Project.  After a site...

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Circular economy in an African context

11. Marts 22 Circular economy in an African context Virtual A2i-Talk Professor Arne Remmen from Aalborg University will take us through the evolution on how companies and societies have worked with circular economy. He will highlight the importance of african businesses to tap into the principles of circular economy  - what it means and how this can be done in partnerships between companies, universities and civil society organisations. Time: 9.30-10.15 CET   Follow thislink. Free...

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Do’s and Don’ts when establishing your business on the East Africa markets

 11. Februar 22 Do's and Don'ts when establishing your business on the East Africa markets Virtual A2i-Talk Tom Apina is the CEO of SustaiNet - a business support facility operating from Kenya. For many years he has supported SMEs in developing their businesses to successfully enter markets in East-Africa. In this talk he will share his experience on how to approach the markets incl. how to deal with various types of compliance issues. Time: 9.30-10.15 CET Follow this link. Free entrence. ...

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Delegation trip in november 21

In November 2021 Access2innovation had a successful delegation trip to Uganda and Tanzania. The 10 members of the trip all had an individual program with relevant meetings with local experts and authorities. Enjoy photos from the trip under here.   Contact Henrik Anker-Ladefoged på if you want to hear more about our next tour to the emerging African markets. Henrik Anker-Ladefoged from Access2innovation meets director Lifestock (in the middle) and Bishar Fille...

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Our Uganda-project has started

In October, our new project coordinator of the ongoing DMDP Project, Yango Azando, visited Denmark, together with Access2innovation’s representative in Uganda and expert in business development in East Africa, John Magnay. During their stay, they were introduced to the Danish partners in the DMDP project: BM Silo, Engsko United Milling Systems and Gl. Buurholt. The four year DMDP project will improve the farmer's condition in Uganda by establishing 25 decentralized grain treatment centers that...

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Video: A2i-Talk with Jeremie Pige from WFP’s Innovation Hub

Enjoy our latest Virtual A2i-Talk with Jeremie Pige from WFP's Innovation Hub Theme: Your opportunities in the World Food Program’s Innovation Hub Meet Jeremie Pige, Head of World Food Program’s Innovation hub for Eastern Africa. Jeremie Pige tells about the local demands and opportunities for engaging with the hub at A2i-Talk from October 21. In December 2020 World Food program launched the Regional Innovation hub (IGNITE). This main mission is to leverage public and private partners, provide...

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Tips on doing business in Africa from A2i expert

How to do business in East Africa? - Virtuel A2i-Talk with expert John Magnay Meet John Magnay, Access2innovation’s trusted expert in building Danish businesses in East Africa in cooperation with NGOs and investors. He is our local expert in East Africa with companies in Uganda and a background in Opportunity International. John shares his knowledge and insights from many years experience. He reflects on how finance institutions as Opportunity Bank / Abi Trust can support Danish companies and...

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Invest with Access2innovation

Impact investing with Access2Innovation We are at the moment establishing a financial platform where it will be possible to invest in loans. Here you can support innovative, Danish companies that are ready to enter the growing African growth markets. Their products and services will make a difference for the better, for example, in relation to the environment, climate or social conditions. Read five good examples below. Are you interested in impact investing? Then send an email to...

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Delegation journey to Kenya and Tanzania

Participate in Access2innovation’s delegation trip, which this time goes to Kenya and Tanzania. On the trip, you will gain knowledge of the market opportunities related to green conversion, including energy solutions, optimization of industries, waste management and wastewater management. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to utilize the synergy that can arise from a joint delegation trip among the Danish SMEs, which is expected to be able to increase your company’s...

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New opportunities for our members

Thank you for the support for our new strategy, where we specifically goes for three major areas that we call “Grand Challenge Clusters”. If there is anyone who has the network, the insight, and the power to make a difference in these fields, it must be our members. We also increase the benefits of our good network with more Virtual A2i Talks, pitch sessions, delegation trips and innovation capacity development and networks of business development in Africa - in collaboration with companies,...

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Discover market opportunies in Africa

Disvoer market opportunities with Access2innovation! Now you have the chance to become wiser about the market opportunities in Africa and meet potential stakeholders when Access2innovation in January 2021 invites you on a delegation trip to Kenya and Tanzania. Back in 2019, we were with Danish SMEs on a delegation trip to Africa. Here, the SMEs got in touch with 11 local companies, all of which wanted collaboration on specific projects and future collaborations with at least one of the...

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The Minister of Development Cooperation open to proposals from Access2innovation

Excerpt from Børsen November 1st 2020 The past week, the leading danish business paper Børsen published a nice series of articles about the lack of early financing of green Danish climate solutions. No less than 12 pages for interviews and great photos with Danish SMEs. Read about MASH Energy, who convert agricultural waste into biofuel. And Engsko, whose grinders optimize the nutrient content of African corn flour and prevent the flour from perishing. The Minister of Development Cooperation...

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Take advantage of the opportunities and be a part of restarting Africa

From our last visit in Africa in August: Martin, technical chief at Limuru Dairy, in front of a cooling tank for milk. You can be a part of optimizing the restart of Africa. Access2innovation is back on track! Despite the serious situation around the world, we still believe in the opportunities in Africa. Access2innovation's work to support Danish exports of green technology to Africa is more important than ever. As never before, there is a need for efficient energy, food production and other...

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Funding gap: We inhibit the development of green Danish solutions for developing countries

A new analysis reveals a serious funding gap in the financial ecosystem. It calls for cooperation to secure sustainable solutions for developing countries. Without better coherence in the public supportsystem, we won’t be able to attract private capital. We then risk to miss growth and jobs in both Denmark and in developing countries. With our great knowledge and advanced technology, Danish business, together with universities and NGO’s, will be able to create amazing sustainable products....

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Our african network is bursting with life!

Our grand african network has been an important piece in the mobilization of more than 50 potential buyers, that signed up for Lyras A/S webinar, about their newly developed cold-pasteurization plant. This we are proud of! At the webinar Lyras told the many potential buyers, about their cold-pasteurization plant. The plant, unlike normal pasteurization methods and UHT processing, retain both vitamins and flavour. At the same time it saves the company 90 percent of energy costs. Lyras has...

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Danish SMEs can now apply for millions to new emerging markets

Has Covid-19 given your SME a timeout? Then it is time to develop your products for the African growth markets. Millions of support crowns are waiting for Danish companies that want to be part of the growth of the emerging markets. There is great market potential in the African growth markets. In Uganda and Kenya, for example, there are one million new consumers a year - per country. Danish SMEs can reach DKK 500,000 and sparring to develop technologies and products in collaboration with...

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Danish-Kenyan coffee sales: Good news Despite the Covid-19 crisis

Despite the Covid-19 crisis, we managed to get off to a good start on the sale of the new iced coffee ICED Espresso in Kenya. The coffee will be produced by coffee farmers in Kenya. It is currently available with several different flavors such as Dark Chocolate, Cream Caramel and Irish Rum and has become a big hit in Denmark. Launch of ICED Espresso in Kenya “ICED Espresso is expected to be a major outlet especially for Kenyan hotels and restaurants. Here, iced coffee is already a popular...

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News about sustainable business in Africa

News about sustainable business in Africa

Monthly updates on funding, informations about the African markets and invitations to network gatherings

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