Save the world. Make Money. Repeat.

About Access2innovation

About our sustainable business developing 

The Access2innovation network was established in 2007 by DanChurchAid, North Denmark EU-Office, South Denmark European Office, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), and the Departments of Development and Planning and Energy Technology at Aalborg University.

The purpose was to demonstrate how Danish businesses, in cooperation with NGOs and knowledge institutions, could create sustainable commercial solutions for the humanitarian sector.

Based on a series of successful partnerships in Africa, the Access2innovation association was established in 2015 by Danish Industry, Business Hub North Denmark, Danish Water, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen, Danish Red Cross, WWF Denmark, and the Municipality of Aalborg.

The association was established on the basis of the UN Global Compact to meet the demand for a unified Danish innovation network for businesses, knowledge institutions, NGOs, and public authorities.

The goal is to develop sustainable business solutions for developing countries, especially in East Africa.


As a non-profit and member-based organisation, Access2innovation aims to strengthen knowledge and development through commercially sustainable solutions targeting developing markets and relief aid.

We create the innovation ecosystem for scalable SDG partnerships between Denmark and developing countries.

In partnerships between businesses, investors, knowledge institutions, public and private trade associations, and NGOs, Danish solutions and services are developed on site in Africa.

Our areas of expertise include sustainable energy, agribusiness, water and sanitation, sustainable housing, and ICT – mainly focused on East Africa.

What we do

Access2innovation is the Danish platform for innovative, sustainable, commercial solutions for the emerging markets in Africa. Click here to read our strategy.

We offer Danish businesses access to partnerships with NGOs, investors, and knowledge institutions. Furthermore, we provide access to various financing opportunities, business insights, and technical expertise, based on our many years of experience with African emerging markets. Since 2007, we have supported over 85 partnerships by offering networks, funding, and expertise in innovation and business development in Denmark and Africa.

Read our last annual report: Access2innovation_Annual Report&Audit_2023_final_ENG

Read our statutes: Articles of Association_access2innovation_approved 15-08-2023



Meet the secretariat

Access2innovation is organized in a secretariat with highly experienced and specialized employees.

We are seated in Copenhagen, Aalborg and Kampala, Uganda.

We have many years of practical and research based knowledge and experience with innovation, business development, funding and creating partnerships – in Denmark and in African countries.


Meet the board members

The Access2innovation association board reflect the broad membership group and the associations goal of supporting Danish anchored innovation partnerships , that develops successful sustainable business, which results in growth and positive changes in both Denmark and Africa