Integrated ITC solution that enables monitoringg projects
Real time information, demand for project monitoring and ongoing contact between head quarter and field activities is a crucial aspect in relief and development work.
Pen and paper are still the most commonly used tools to gather and document activities on the ground and even though that technology exists little attention has so far been put into adapting these to the work of relief and developmental organizations.
Through close collaboration between three commercial companies, researchers from Aalborg University and DanChurchAid, the company ViewWorld is providing integrated ICT solutions that enables monitoring and reporting on different projects by web-based information systems using android and iPhone as the mean of information gathering.
The challenges are that potential users have limited computer experience and/or writing abilities, which is why it is of the utmost importance that the systems are easy to use, possibly with an icon-based interface.
Furthermore, in order to communicate reports from the field to main databases, the integrated ICT systems need to be able to connect to whatever communication network available.
In Africa, GSM coverage is sparse outside heavily populated areas, this may mean either expensive satellite communication or different types of radio communication systems.
ViewWorld was supported by Access2innovation in its initial years and is now a successful company that provides solutions for a range of different sectors.
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