Better conditions for poor farmers in Uganda
Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda
Danida has granted DKK 8.8 million from the Danida Market Development Partnership Program to Association Access2innovation for the implementation of a four-year project to improve the living conditions of small farmers in Uganda. The improvement will take place by establishing 25 decentralized grain treatment centers that combine three Danish technologies. Each technology, will help create a greater income for the farmers. In addition to increasing farmers’ earnings, the 25 grain treatment centers are expected to create 500 new jobs, of which half of the jobs will at least be for women and young people under the age of 25 years.
The project funds have been allocated to Access2innovation because of the local network it has built, experience, and as the Danish platform for innovative, sustainable, commercial solutions for the African growth markets. The money will be used for training 3,000 farmers in Uganda in connection with the introduction of equipment that the three Danish companies have developed in collaboration with Access2innovation and with support from the European Regional Fund. In this case:
- BM Silo, Holstebro, produces small, flexible silo systems with built-in drying capacity, so that the grain can be dried faster after harvest while preserving the quality.
- Buurholt, Brønderslev, has developed a mobile seed cleaner, which raises the yield in the field by approximately 10 percent.
- Engsko A / S – United Milling Systems, Randers, produces stone mills and complete milling systems for grinding grain. It is a technology that ensures both the grain and shell can be grinded. Since the grinding happens at low temperatures, it also ensures that all the nutrients are utilized.
The Ugandan partners in the project are Opportunity International, an NGO that has development projects in 22 countries. Opportunity International will be responsible for the training of farmers as well as the cooperatives that will be accountable for the operation of the decentralized grain treatment centers. The Ugandan company, AG-Ploutus Ltd., which trades in cereals and agricultural auxiliaries in Uganda and whose primary target group is small farms and cooperatives, will also participate in the project.
In addition to improving the living conditions of poor smallholder farmers and creating 500 new jobs, the project will help reduce food waste and reduce harmful aflatoxins in food production, which is a major problem in developing countries.
All project participants and other relevant actors within the grain sector will be trained good agricultural practises and financial literacy. In addition, they will have a business management training, as well as linkage to credit schemes to ensure transparency of transactions and introduce new standards, for instance, terms of employment and working environment as well as the external environment.
The project will add value in several ways:
- It will increase the value of the farmer’s breeding by fast drying and safe storage of the grain, and through training of the farmers in better cultivation techniques
- It will improve the quality of seed and thus give higher yields
- It will ensure better and more direct access to the market to achieve a higher price for the grain
- It will create increased value in rural areas through local processing of the grain
- 250 women will be trained in marketing and business management to promote gender equality and women’s education, as well as to promote economic development in rural areas, for instance, through the sale of the flour that will be produced
- Targeted training will be carried out within finance and management of the cooperatives/contractors who will run the grain treatment centers to ensure the financial sustainability after the completion of the project.
- The project will give farmers and cooperatives better access to capital loans through cooperation with financial institutions such as aBi Trust, as well as by establishing a credit rating platform
- It will promote access to a nutritious diet that is crucial for children’s learning ability. In the long run, the project will help to ensure a better level of education in rural areas
Thus, the project contributes to several of the UN’s world goals. First and foremost, No. 8 on decent jobs and economic growth, but also No. 2 on food security, No. 4 on better education, No. 12 on reduced food waste and No. 13 on climate action through a higher degree of local processing.
Official name of the project is Integrated Grain Handling Project for rural communities in Uganda.
For more information, kindly contact Henrik Anker-Ladefoged on email: hal@access2innovation.com

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