DanChurchAid’s head of private sector engagement, Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, will talk about the learnings that DCA has made over the last many years when investing on the operationalization of partnership-driven business development in poor and fragile countries.
She will share some critical reflections on the journey, that DCA has been on for the last five years, when seeking to combine a civil society and business mind-set to develop innovative partnership models that are socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable.
A particular focus will be on the emerging field of developing impact business and blended finance solutions at the core of all activities. Here, there is a long way to turn words into action by leveraging private capital into impact-driven solutions – but also an emerging field of good practices and networks to tap into and learn from.
Join this A2i-talk to get good insights into how DCA is trying to navigate this “imperfect journey” by challenging the silos between the development, business and investment community. Learn about the added value that NGOs can play as partners in the business development and financing space.
Meet us at Zoom January 13th 9:30-10.15 AM:
Meeting ID: 858 0260 1058
Passcode: 930449
Please register to ma@access2innovation.com.