The Danish Embassy in Uganda, Access2Innovation and DAFC are pleased to invite your company to participate in an agro-business delegation to Uganda.
Why Uganda?
Uganda is one of Africa’s most stable and open countries with ambitious growth targets and an agri-business sector full of opportunities. This delegation visit will enable Danish companies to meet local key partners and potential customers, display their products and services, and gain first-hand knowledge about the Ugandan agribusiness industry and market.
Key aspects of Ugandan agribusiness:
- The agricultural sector in Uganda accounts for a significant part of the country’s GDP and export earnings. With the agricultural sector employing approximately 70% of population, the sector plays a crucial part for the country’s economy.
- Uganda is very close to its target of lower-middle-income status – partly through serious reform of the agricultural sector from subsistence farming to commercial farming. The sector is now more competitive and profitable.
- Urbanisation is high, the middle class is growing and demand for agricultural production increasing.
- All of the above offer great opportunities for Danish companies. The demand for high quality production and processing equipment, cold-chain facilities, packaging and storing facilities is high, and the need for quality control remains a challenge for Ugandan agricultural exports.