To improve our insights into the African markets, A2I invites one or two students at master level to conduct a study in collaboration with us, of the business models and strategies that Danish firms have and are using to enter and penetrate African markets.
Read more about the project and how you apply under here.

Project: Business Models for African Markets – experiences from Danish firms
Few firms have African markets as their main markets, and little is known on how to successfully enter and penetrate African markets. Access2Innovation (A2I) is an Aalborg based organization (with affiliate in Copenhagen and Kampala) with a focus on Africa and the aim of A2I is to facilitate Danish firms and organizations in investigating, entering and penetrating the African markets. Recently, A2I facilitated no less than 34 Danish firms and their stakeholders in developing innovative solutions to problems in African countries, focusing in the main on East Africa. You can read more about A2I on
The African economies are growing and thus becoming more and more attractive to Danish firms. African markets are also known to require special insights to be able to operate in markets with very different cultures. A2I has solid African experience and is ready to facilitate the firms, but to improve our facilitation, we want to be known more about what ‘business models’ and ‘strategies’ to use to be successful on the African continent and reach its markets.
To improve our insights into the African markets, A2I invites one-two students at master level to conduct a study in collaboration with us, of the ‘business models’ and ‘strategies’ that Danish firms have and are using to enter and penetrate African markets. And based on the findings, we expect the project to come up with solutions on how A2I makes Danish firms interested in the African markets and how A2I can improve their facilitation to Danish firms and organizations. Thus, we imagine the project to have three stages where stage one entails an investigation on international business models; a study of experiences and business models used by Danish firms, and thirdly, develop a facilitation model that can be used by A2I to improve their work.
The project is open for students with an interest in international business and/or organization
and management. The project is suitable for students in their final year (3rd or 4th semester), i.e. as an intern or the final thesis. The project can accommodate 1-2 students.
The students will be part of A2I and it is possible to have a work station at A2I. Costs associated to conducting the study will be reimbursed. The students will be attached and supported by two A2I employees. The project should preferable be conducted in the Autumn 2023.
Are you interested and in need of additional information, feel free to contact Access2Innovation, Olav Jull Sørensen (
Please, send your application to Olav Jull Sørensen, Research and Development, Access to Innovation: