![april silo er oppe](https://www.access2innovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/april-silo-er-oppe-1.png)
Several activities have taken place during the last few weeks. Apart from the installation of the drying unit from BM Silo, the combined seed cleaning-and milling unit from Gl. Buurholt Ltd. and Engsko Ltd. has been installed and commissioned with success at Pearl Seed near Gayaza, and the technologies have already attracted quite some attention.
In February A2I arranged a seminar in Kampala for staff from World Food Programme in order to introduce the Grain Hub Project.
After a site visit to the drying unit, which was installed near Luwero, the parties have now agreed to sign an MoU for a closer cooperation, including the exchange of data related to post-harvest management and processing of grain.
Training of first 15 cooperatives
Also training of the first 15 cooperatives in Responsible Business Conduct has taken place at a seminar in Kampala, and finally the yearly partner meeting between the project partners, the DMDP secretariat as well as representatives from Danida and the Royal Danish Embassy in Kampala took place on April 20th at BM Silo in Holstebro.
Though the project has been delayed by three months due to Covid and problems with logistics on the world market, all participants were in general satisfied with progress so far.
The Photo to the left: Visit by World Food Programme, WFP, in April at the site.
The photo to the right: Seminar I spring 22.
![Besøg af WFP april 22](https://www.access2innovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Besoeg-af-WFP-april-22.png)
![Seminar spring 22](https://www.access2innovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Seminar-spring-22.png)
![Team foran container](https://www.access2innovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Team-foran-container.jpg)
The combined seed cleaning-and milling unit from Gl. Buurholt Ltd. and Engsko Ltd. has been installed and commissioned with success at Pearl Seed near Gayaza, and the technologies have already attracted quite some attention.