Ikke færre end 14 virksomheder har nu tilmeldt sig vores delegationstur i maj til Tanzania og Uganda. Det er ny rekord!
Vi glæder os til turen og de mange individuelle møder, vi har planlagt efter deltagernes ønsker. Vores mål er som sædvanligt, at alle får maximal viden og inspiration om de østafrikanske vækstmarkeder med hjem. Det plejer at lykkes – vi får – i al beskedenhed – tårnhøje evalueringer på vores delegationsture.
Denne gang deltager:
BM Silo
Holmlund Farm
Engsko United Milling Systems
ea Energy
Kijiji Group
Knudsen Consulting
LR Marine
Social Vanilla
Neisig Organics
Læs mere om turen:
Business promotion in Tanzania and Uganda May 22 – 27 2022
for the food sector incl. aquaculture
Come with Access2innovation to Africa in May and let us “open” the countries for your company. We visit Tanzania and Uganda (Dar es Salaam and Kampala), where we put together a program for each participant and the market opportunities you are interested in.
Visit potential partners, distributors, authorities and others who bring your company into the East African growth markets. We usually get very high marks from the participants on these individually tailored trips.
Do not hesitate to contact Henrik Anker-Ladefoged at hal@access2innovation.com and 45 2361 1035 or Ole Stein at os@access2innovation.com and +45 2660 4701 to hear more.
Prices are as last: DKK 6,000 per participant. In addition, flight, food and hotel can be purchased for DKK 1,500 for members and DKK 4,900 for non-members.
Registration: Contact os@access2innovation.com.
Please fill out this form: TILMELDING 2022
The tour gives you the opportunity to attend meetings with decision makers, including government representatives, public authorities and private actors, as well as the opportunity for B2B meetings and company visits. There will be a focus on strengthening your opportunity to create relationships, partnerships and knowledge about the players in the relevant markets, of which you will be a part in the future. This means in particular great focus on B2B contact and individual planning of a number of meetings for you. In addition, there will also be visits to the embassies of the respective countries. On the trip you get:
• Increased knowledge of market opportunities in relation to green conversion
• Opportunity for sparring with Danish SMEs
• Meetings with government representatives, public authorities and private actors
• Company visits and B2B meetings