Reducing Food Loss and Food Waste in Africa

Join Access2innovation in the virtual dialogue session “The Many Faces of Reducing Food Loss and Food Waste in Africa” which is a part of the World Food Summit 22 on Friday May 6 13.30 PM CEST.

Jacob Ravn is the moderator for the following exciting panel debates:

Panel debate: Tech, partnerships, organization or financing?
Mie Ole Lauritzen, Head of Business Development and Partnerships, Food Nation
Simon Boldvig, DTU, Senior Researcher at UNEP DTU Partnership
Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, Head of Private Sector Engagement, DanChurchAid

Panel debate: Where should the solutions come from?
Torben Funder-Kristensen, Head of Public and Industry Affairs, Danfoss Climate Segment
Magana Gikandi, Regional Innovations & Private Sector Partnerships, UN World Food Programme

Panel debate: Is it the divergent approaches from civil society, business and politics that is the underlying challenge?
Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, Head of Private Sector Engagement,
Kenneth Lindharth Madsen, Head of Trade & Markets, Danish Agriculture and Food Council

Panel debate: Is the key bottle neck access to financing?
Dr. Edward Mungai, Thought Leader & Sustainability Expert board member KCIC
Irene Quist Mortensen, Arla and Board member of IFU
Ben Valk, Global Head Multilateral Development Banking, Rabobank International Wholesale

One-to-one: Is lack of trust the main underlying challenge?
Dr. Professor Emeritus John Kuada

Closing remarks and time for technical challenges
Moderator Jacob Ravn

15:30 – 15:55
Key outcomes from the dialogue sessions moderated 
Afton Halloran, Independent Consultant in Sustainable Food Systems Transition
Jacob Ravn, CEO and Ph.d., Access2Innovation
Peter De Koning, Director ADP Support Unit, Amsterdam Declarations Partnership
Paul Holmbeck, Director, Holmbeck EcoConsult

The dialogue session is arranged by the Think Tank ONE\THIRD.

See the full program here.

Register here.

Combat Climate Change

This year’s World Food Summit focuses on combatting climate change and addresses how the global food systems affect climate change and conversely how the global food systems are affected by climate change. The summit happens on May 5 and 6 2022.

The World Food Summit is an annual accelerator of the actions required to transform the food systems to become more sustainable and responsible in response to the Sustainable Development Goals introduced by the UN.