Webinar: Sådan sikrer I godt samarbejde mellem organisationer og virksomheder

Vil du vide mere om, hvordan organisationer og virksomheder bedst kan samarbejde? Om hvad samarbejdet kræver,og hvad, er vigtigt at tage stilling til inden sådanne partnerskaber etableres? Så kom med på vores gratis kursus i samarbejde med CISU. Her får du inspiration til hvorfor og hvordan din organisation bedst kan samarbejde med private virksomheder. Dette […]

A2i Talk: Navigating Corporate Cultures: Contrasts between Nordic and East/Southern African Companies

We will delve into the often contrasting leadership styles prevalent in Danish/Nordic corporate cultures, compared to those of Southern and Eastern African markets. We will talk about communication norms commonly observed in each of the respective corporate settings, as well as innovation and adaptability and team dynamics as enablers of success. This presentation will be […]

A2I Talk: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions for Health in Africa


Dr. Kristina Wallengren, Founder and Global CEO of THINK, will deliver an insightful presentation on the use of AI to improve health in Africa. Drawing on her expertise in public health and two decades of living and working in South Africa, she will showcase THINK’s experience in applying AI in the field and share groundbreaking […]

Business Delegation to Uganda


The Danish Embassy in Uganda, Access2Innovation and DAFC are pleased to invite your company to participate in this agro-business delegation to Uganda. Why Uganda? Uganda is one of Africa’s most stable and open countries with ambitious growth targets and an agri-business sector full of opportunities. This delegation visit will enable Danish companies to meet local […]

Danida Green Business Partnerships (DGBP) 2024: Grant objectives, criteria, and cases

Content: In the A2i-talk of March, Marianne Jacobsen Toftgaard and Lars Christian Oxe from the DGBP Secretariat will outline the DGBP call for proposals for 2024 and clarify grant objectives and criteria. This will include examples of current DGBPs, where A2i-members have been involved. Join this A2i-talk to become familiar with this particular Danida grant […]

Access2innovation General Assembly & Partnership Day 2024

Welcome to Access2innovation General Assembly 2024 & Partnership Day 2024 in Aalborg Program 09:30-10:00           Registration + Coffee & Tea 10:00-12:00           General Assembly (Members only) 12:00-13:00            Lunch 13:00-15.00           A2i Partnership Day 2024 - The Partnership Day is open to all – so […]

Virtual A2i Talk: African soils and how they affect agriculture development

Welcome to our free Virtual A2i Talk. African soils and how they affect agriculture development In this talk, Mikkel Dalsgaard and Jørgen Løgstrup from the company Rootzone Africa will talk about African soils. They will share insights on how soils affect agricultural activities, but also how to actively work to improve soil conditions for increased […]

Virtual A2i Talk: Combining aid, trade, and development finance into the Ugandan agriculture sector

In this A2i Talk, Ole Dahl Rasmussen from the Danish Embassy in Uganda and Moses Nyabila, CEO of aBi Development, will talk about current initiatives and programs that support the development and financing of the Ugandan agriculture sector. This includes, lessons learned, from the recent Danish business delegation to Uganda, co-organized by Access2Innovation, the Danish […]

A2i Talk August 2024: Strengthening Food Systems through Transformative Innovations

Andreas Hansen, the Director of the WFP (World Food Programme), Nordic office, will start by giving an introduction to the UN World Food Programme and also touch on the role of the WFP Nordic office in Copenhagen. He will then focus on the WFP IGNITE Innovation Hub, based in Eastern Africa, highlighting its role in […]

A2i Talk: Visions for improved trade relations with Africa

In this A2i Talk, we have invited Mathilde Byskov, Special Advisor, Green Diplomacy and Climate by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to talk about boosting trade relations between Denmark and the African continent with a focus on value chains and sustainable transition. Monthly A2i Talk: Every month experts in the growing African markets share their […]