A2i Talk: The relevance of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for partnerships with the East African private sector
A2i Talk: The relevance of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for partnerships with the East African private sector
In this A2i-talk, Bernard Washika from the Danish Family Planning Association, will talk about how sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) violations can be a significant barrier to business growth and development. Evidence suggests that persistent discrimination and harassment based on gender and sexual orientation causes employees to miss out on their full potential, negatively influencing economies and society as a whole. We will hear from a representative of the Federation of Uganda Employers on how companies can gain from investing in SRHR and gender equality.
Speaker: Bernard Washika, Regional Advisor – Business & Gender Rights, Climate change and SRHR, The Danish Family Planning Association (Sex & samfund) and a representative from Federation of Uganda Employers.
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