A2i Talk: Business opportunities for Danish renewable energy in Africa?
A2i Talk: Business opportunities for Danish renewable energy in Africa?
In this A2i talk, Lars Tejlgaard, investment director, partner and co-founder from Frontier Energy, a leading investor in the African renewable energy market, talks about the company’s experiences with renewable energy projects in Africa. Get insights in the sector and in the future energy supply in the area – for example grid vs. off-grid energy supply. This also includes the cooperation with public authorities. Join us March 10th, 9.30-10-15 AM CET – it’s free!
About Frontier Energy:
With more than 1,100 MW of renewable energy in development, construction and operation, Frontier Energy is a leading investor in the African renewable energy market. Frontier Energy has a hands-on and integrated approach to investing in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects and are developing, constructing and operating more than 60 renewable energy projects in Africa within hydro, geothermal, wind and solar PV with project costs of more than USD 2.5 billion. Frontier Energy engages in both execution and financing of project development and has developed many projects from early development to implementation involving. Read more at https://frontier.dk/.
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