Apply for millions of support crowns and develop your product to emerging markets

Has Covid-19 given your SME a timeout? Then it is time to develop your products for the African growth markets. Millions of support crowns are waiting for Danish companies that want to be part of the growth of the emerging markets.

There is great market potential in the African growth markets. In Uganda and Kenya, for example, there are one million new consumers a year – per country. Danish SMEs can reach DKK 500,000 and sparring to develop technologies and products in collaboration with researchers in the African growth markets. The Danish SME Lyras has taken advantage of this. They now have a ready-to-sell cold-pasteurization plant. The plant retains both vitamins and flavor in the milk as opposed to normal pasteurization and UHT treatment preserves. The plant reduces food waste and is predicted to be a great success worldwide. It has been developed in collaboration with Aalborg University and with sparring from Access2innovation, the Danish platform for innovative and sustainable exports to African growth markets.

Lyras has previously received support from Access2innovation for the development of a new type of UV pasteurization. The support from Access2innovation is offered from the program “Partnership-driven Innovation for the Emerging Markets in East Africa” (PIVØ) under the European Regional Fund. In addition, the association collaborates with Danish crowdlending platforms and private investors who can enter into private financing.

Contact Access2innovation for more information.